iBoot Environment Variable Overflow ( CVE-2009-2795).

Programs used to jailbreak 3.x purplera1n (3.0)
libtiff exploit (Adapted from the PSP scene, used by JailbreakMe) ( CVE-2006-3459).uses the exploits listed below to untether up to iOS 6.1.2.uses the same exploits as Absinthe and Absinthe 2.0 to jailbreak iOS 5.0/5.0.1 and 5.1.1.uses the exploits listed below to untether up to iOS 5.1.1.Jailbreak Programs PwnageTool (2.0 - 5.1.1) usb_control_msg(0xA1, 1) Exploit (also known as "steaks4uce") (for tethered jailbreak on iPod touch (2nd generation)).
limera1n Exploit (for tethered jailbreak on iPhone 3GS, iPod touch (3rd generation), iPad, iPhone 4, iPod touch (4th generation) and Apple TV (2nd generation)).0x24000 Segment Overflow (for untethered jailbreak on iPhone 3GS with old bootrom and iPod touch (2nd generation) with old bootrom another exploit as the limera1n Exploit is required).ARM7 Go (from iOS 2.1.1) (for tethered jailbreak on iPod touch (2nd generation)).Pwnage + Pwnage 2.0 (together to jailbreak the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPhone 3G).These exploits are not dependent on any firmware as such, they are used in numerous jailbreaking programs. 7.3 Absinthe 2.0 and Rocky Racoon Untether (5.1.1).7.1 Absinthe (5.0 on iPhone 4S only / 5.0.1 on iPad 2 and iPhone 4S).