CP is and will remain to be no different than AP, a post max level progression system. You are still lying through your teeth on cp I see.In the first place this is an argument that I saw no point in defending because it was a bad point, and only replied to it too because I knew you’d bring it up in a reply how I ignored a very good point if I just skipped it over. The fact you later in 7 and 8 then try to reason that level squish bad because people are actually so stupid they cannot come to terms with the level squish or that oh no guides have to be rewritten shows your arguments are on the same level as BIG NUMBERS BAD. No I made an easy point here, that you are attacking the stupidest point for level squish, that people are too stupid and run away at the sight of big numbers.Own your asinine man instead of trying to pretend my reply was to a completely different point. I never argued you’d get more rewards per time spent(until this post to debunk that fact via point 1) I was merely debunk the asinine point about how because it wouldn’t give rewards at each level it’d be pointless to squish levels. That being said your reply is missrepresenting my point, as what I wrote my reply to was a statement that even if they cut levels in half they’d not have you get upgrades on every level, where my counter point was yeah it’d be every other level on average weighted in favour of early levels, which is still much better than how current level up rewards are spread out. Level squish comes with level speed increase, I think we proved this fact clearly, so yes you’d get them more often.So yes under any circumstances lying to people’s faces that there will be no reduction in leveling time when it clearly was stated to be bundled with one is just scummy. So when Ion said IF the squish happen, THEN they will also reduce leveling time, guess what that means will happen to the length of leveling when they do the squish? Yes the level squish itself will not mechanically affect leveling speed(well it will, due to fluctuations in kill speed, but that is not the argument being made here), but along side it we have a confirmed level speed increase coming.

Now in that sentence we know the following, should the IF statement come to pass, the THEN statement will come to pass as well. So let me explain you the IF THEN clause, I am sure you have heard of this very famous sentence structure, but it seems you have still failed to grasp how it is used, so let me make an easy example: “IF it rains today, THEN I will stay at home”.Well done proving how utterly you are uinable to make actual points, but okay lets do this again.